![]() 03/18/2015 at 11:45 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
So you've been watching too many Chris Harris on Cars and \Drive+ video and think you can create an exhilarating cut of your weekend drive? Well folks it ain't as easy as it looks, but you don't need a drone nor an entire support crew to make it work. Below is a few pieces of advice I have learned first hand in trying to produce half decent car footage.
Step 1 - Have a Plan
I cannot the stress the importance of thinking through things in advance. Figure out the roads you want to drive and general sequence of shots desired. Where are the vantage points for shots? Where should the camera or cameraman be? Its tough to piece together quality stuff with a smattering of random shots once you hit the editing stage.
Step 2 - Come Prepared
Charge your GoPros, bring extra batteries, cables, mounts etc and have things ready to switch out of the fly if need be. I recommend a phone or computer to quickly review footage as well to see what is working (and what is not).
Step 3 - Shoot Footage of Anything and Everything
Once more. When it comes to the editing stage you likely do not have a second chance to get more footage of the same car, same location, same lighting, etc. The more the better. A 3 minute video can equate to an hour of footage from my GoPros. B-reel footage is always good too, you never know when it will come in handy.
Step 4 - Angles
Angles, perspective, vantage points. Perspective is your friend, and vary it. I learned right away that transitions from the same perspective are jarring to watch and hard to keep smooth. If you switch to an entirely new perspective it is easier on the viewer and more appealing.
Step 5 - Keep it Simple, Stupid
If you are like me, you have no real background in video editing and took it up as a cool way to document an experience or vacation. Start with the basic in a simple software like GoPro Studio (or similar). iMovie HD works great, but it often gives you more tools than necessary up front and can result in a worse product.
Step 6 - Time. And Patience
Editing is a slow process, best picked up for a few hours and then left for another day. It takes time to get things right. I have been making small videos for about a year and only recently has the end product turned out promising enough to show the general public.
Step 7 (Courtesy of Andrew Collins) - Use Your Own Audio
Note to self ! Don't use music you don't own the rights to if you're planning on posting to YouTube! Finding usable music is a big pain the amateur video game... but your video's days on YouTube are numbered unless you have permission from whatever record company XYZ musician works for. Google's software automatically combs uploads and at some point will just remove your clip/send you a wrist-slappy notice.
There's my 2 cents, feel free to chime in with pointers and your own experience. For your viewing pleasure, a quick teaser of my past weekend spent in a 991 911 Carrera S (MT). This video is very much a work in progress and I am still learning myself.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 12:06 |
but you don't need a drone
I'm going to have to disagree with you there :) You ALWAYS need a drone!
![]() 03/18/2015 at 12:30 |
! I'll have to put one on the wishlist. I'd rather just find a friend willing to lend (and operate) it, I prefer driving :)
![]() 03/18/2015 at 12:42 |
2 further tips:
-in clips with a lot of wind noise, decrease or completely eliminate the audio, better yet get a good mic for your GoPro
-you can make your transitions a little smoother by detaching the audio and extending it a little was into the next clip, makes for much less abrupt transitions (see below)
![]() 03/18/2015 at 12:43 |
You can rent them too, las time I was in LA I rented a Phantom to mess around with.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 12:49 |
1) Thanks for the mic DIY, i need to investigate that next. Currently I run the two slot backdoor with dense foam stuffed between the GoPro and backdoor.
2) Unfortunately I can't detach audio in GoPro Studio (I can in iMovieHD), but I will work to fade in/out and lower audio in the lead/chase scenes especially. I still have another hour of so of footage to sift through and polish the video.
As in most cases, it is more for my enjoyment but I hope the general public enjoys a flat six at redline too!
![]() 03/18/2015 at 12:53 |
the general public definitely enjoys that :)
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:23 |
Good post but... another key step you missed; don't use music you don't own the rights to if you're planning on posting to YouTube!
Finding usable music is a big pain the amateur video game... but your video's days on YouTube are numbered unless you have permission from whatever record company M83 works for. Google's software automatically combs uploads and at some point will just remove your clip/send you a wrist-slappy notice.
I learned this the hard way early on myself!
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:24 |
Audio - the overlooked element that will make or break your film.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:27 |
We'll have to get some footage of Charlie once I get it up there. I'm aiming for the beginning of June.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:27 |
Thanks for the heads up, I'll change that up tonight!
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Not sure if these are through normal rental houses, but when I worked in the film industry, every rental house required that your shoot was insured before they'd rent to you.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:28 |
There's my 2 cents, feel free to chime in with pointers and your own experience. For your viewing pleasure, a quick teaser of my past weekend spent in a 997 911 Carrera S (MT).
This video is very much a work in progress and I am still learning myself.
Pro tip: Before filming, know what kind of car you're actually in. That's a 991 911.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:30 |
Heh heh. Wishfull thinking, the 997 is the one I would like to own and have been researching. Yes this is the 991 with the highly discussed 7speed.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:30 |
No... not the selfi-stick!
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:33 |
I can't help but agree with point 1 the most.
I've done two videos. Both were shot on an iPhone and GoPros and edited in Final Cut.
One has over 10k views on youtube and one has just over 100. Yes, the cars a vastly different, but given that the one with 10k views was planned, it came out a lot better.
10k Video - Audi S1:
100-ish Video - Fiat 500L:
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:34 |
JF Musial once told me that they put more work into the audio of their DriveTV episodes than anything else.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:35 |
I just emailed a company that does aerial video and showed them my YT channel, I'm not sure they would rent to just anyone.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:35 |
Yeah, wish I had a great "rights-free music" resource to send you to but I honestly still struggle every time I look for a track!
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:41 |
If you just want some background muzak, it's not too hard to throw together some loops in Garageband or similar. My 9 yo daughter does this :)
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:41 |
Audio is more important than the actual video. Video with good audio and crap video still gets watched. Bad audio and amazing video, nobody cares.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:57 |
Nice! Videos look quality and I applaud you for putting it together, as you know it is not easy!
![]() 03/18/2015 at 13:59 |
Yes. Lots of this.
I generally use obscure-ish music in my videos and always make a point to list the artist in the description. Lately I've been using beats from a friend of mine who's cool with it, which is even better.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 14:02 |
You can get free music for your video here.
Also, generally, if you don't monetize the video, you can use any music you want.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 14:03 |
![]() 03/18/2015 at 14:08 |
also, lots of interior shots looking out the front window. Include the dash and gauges.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 14:09 |
YouTube's back-end catalog of royalty free music is growing all the time. I'm not sure what it takes to have access to it, but it's a much appreciated asset.
Ditch the GoPro as a means for audio, only use it to capture video. Get a secondary audio source and match them up later. A cheap Zoom works fine for most situations.
Also, if you're on a budget consider getting the Rode mic and app for the iPhone - voila, cheap-o wireless lav mic. (Well... cheap if you already own the iPhone and then compare pricing to a Sennheiser setup)
![]() 03/18/2015 at 14:09 |
It is indeed time intensive, fair to say an hour's worth of work for a minute's worth of video is about right, but it's easy to double that.
If found that the thing that really improved the look of the videos was colour correction. Makes a heck of a difference.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 14:11 |
Highly suggest staying away from the GoPro software, iMovie is much much better. Having a camera on the rear bumper works great for capturing exhaust noise, as someone else mentioned use your own sound, cant get paid if you use someone else's song. Also, I have to say, having 2 GoPros helps as well.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 14:16 |
I just can not believe you have never stumbled upon Kevin MacLeod's Incompetech . There's even gonna be a movie about this guy.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 14:41 |
Re. step 7 : Don't use music, unless you are very good at that kind of thing .
Sample video inthe article above shows how it never must be done .
Step 8 : Accept that you don't have the skills to shoot and edit video for public consumption, unless you are a trained professional .
![]() 03/18/2015 at 14:49 |
What was the 7-Speed like? -993 owner
![]() 03/18/2015 at 14:57 |
Ditch the GoPro as a means for audio, only use it to capture video. Get a secondary audio source and match them up later. A cheap Zoom works fine for most situations.
I've found that routing an external mic to the rear of the car produces great audio of exhaust, with little to no wind noise.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 14:57 |
Once you go FCP, you never go back.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 15:08 |
I don't monetize any of my stuff, but YouTube has muted and sometimes completely removed several of my videos containing copyrighted audio.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 15:13 |
Appreciate the tips! I have only done a small search for external mics and I can't seem to find one in the sweet spot of bang-for-your-buck. I am not a professional, but I would like a quality product at a good price.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 15:15 |
Agreed, iMovie is nice it often takes me about twice as long to edit things though. For quick n dirty GoPro Studio is nice.
I did have 2 (sometimes 3) GoPros, working on putting those pieces into the video.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 15:15 |
It's a good thing I make these for my own viewing pleasure.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 15:18 |
The transmission was great, a nice halfway between the Asian (FRS, S2000) and German (Z4M/228i) styles i have tested. Direct with feedback, but a little more forgiving. I'm not sure rubbery would be my descriptive word of choice as some have used.
This car should be a 6MT. 2nd tops out ~72 and 3rd near ~110. There just isn't a lot of shifting to be had on canyon roads and I lament that fact. Critiques aside, the 7MT didn't really trip me up. I used 7th gear on the highway a few times and it was a bit odd downshifting 7-6-5-4.
The 991 is insanely capable, that being said I think a 997 or prior generation would be quite enough and a lot lighter on my wallet.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 15:23 |
Yeah it depends on the song... some songs have restrictions and the video can't be played in certain parts of the world. Other songs are more strict, and can't be played at all.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 15:23 |
step 9: don't listen to the haters...
![]() 03/18/2015 at 15:24 |
Oh. I do it and they tell me they have the song and remove monetization and that's the end.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 15:28 |
Yup. This is a great little audio/video editing trick that most people wouldn't think to notice in semi-pro/pro productions.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 15:37 |
This is the last one I made.
Making fun videos of dragracing is not as easy as I thought .
![]() 03/18/2015 at 15:56 |
Nice, definitely got my adrenaline going! I like the front hood/fender angles.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 16:08 |
I'll have to check out that link - thanks!
What you say is true about most music being available if you don't monetize, but not always. I had my audio muted in a recent video because Pink Floyd doesn't want their music used at all. So I yoinked the music and uploaded without any.
Good tips - thanks for sharing!
![]() 03/18/2015 at 16:23 |
Also, how have you liked your 993? I wouldn't mind getting into that generation car if it wasn't such a tight market already.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 16:59 |
That's pretty much what I've heard. Great though it is, you kind of get the feeling it was designed with the 7th gear for economy, not driver enjoyment.
I've been thinking of getting a 997 as well, I want something I can use more frequent now that the 993 is becoming such a classic. Actually, I must admit the 993 is entirely mine, it belongs to my father, who in fact bought it new in 1996. It's kept in my garage though and I maintain it, and although like most performance cars it's service intensive, it has been an absolute joy to behold.
I took it on a weekly Whole Foods fun earlier today, it's such a wonderfully usable car just as any 911 is. The air-cooled cars have some things to watch out for and they're a little more of a handful when pushed. But they're by far my favorite of the 911s. It's just too bad they're becoming so valuable that people will soon be scared to put any miles on them. These 911s aren't garage queens like Ferraris are, they're meant to be driven.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 17:48 |
Pretty easy.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 19:19 |
If you have any starving musician friends, you can probably hire them to do a job too.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 19:21 |
Exactly, all for the mpg.
The 993 is a brilliant car and I think the 997/991 are still a handful, but the limit gets harder and harder to approach on city streets. It's a shame that cars become too valuable to use on the street regularly and that will be a deciding factor on what I buy eventually.
I don't want to break the bank on the initial purchase and be afraid of maintenance costs. A slightly less collectible car (and more repairable) will yield more fun and less stress.
![]() 03/18/2015 at 20:33 |
Unfortunately, as with a lot of things Porsche didn't really have a choice to do anything but designing the 7-Speed transmission to be as economical as possible. Just as all other car companies have to get their fleet average fuel economy to meet regulations Porsche does too. It's a real shame us consumers can't have it our way anymore.
I've only driven a 997 C4S which was great because that was in Park City, where there's nothing quite as cool as a AWD 911 on snow tires with a ski-rack on top, plowing up a twisty road. And that C4S was as easy to drive in the snow as my wifes GLK Merc. Sure the 911 doesn't have any ground-clearance but it somehow makes due. That experience really made me want a C4S, but I realized the RWD cars are more of the "drivers 911" anyways.
If you're looking for a easy to own 997 911, I'd recommend not breaking the bank and going for an early car, probably a 2007 or 2008 with under 50,000 miles, manual coupe. If you buy a good one it'll be a joy to own and hey, if things keep going the way they are, you never know. The 997 could very well go the way of the 993, and maybe........just maybe buying a 997 911 could be a wise investment.
![]() 03/19/2015 at 08:31 |
Creativecommons.org has a search function. Yeah, don't steal music, but there are a number of licensed songs out there (not that some of them aren't shit). Also, Apple's Garageband has a number of "loops" that can be used to make a musical bed.
![]() 03/19/2015 at 08:35 |
Very interesting post. I will say that the biggest PITA is going to be editing GoPro video. That's why Top Gun (for instance) uses so much of what's called b-roll (there has to be a better name), which is actually shot in short clips to make it easier to edit. This is a short, good video explaining the process used by the BBC.
Best of luck with your videos!
![]() 03/19/2015 at 08:36 |
Creative Commons licensed music. I have a friend who uses it when he teaches students to do audio slideshows.
![]() 03/19/2015 at 08:37 |
Vimeo also has a royalty-free library.
![]() 03/19/2015 at 14:06 |
When is the McLaren video dropping? Eagerly anticipating it!
![]() 03/19/2015 at 14:28 |
Should hopefully be next week... have to edit this other video I shot at the Mazda museum first.
![]() 03/19/2015 at 16:49 |
I've always used FreePlayMusic.com
![]() 03/21/2015 at 11:10 |
It would be if you wouldn't claim to be competent by writing a 'tutorial' .
![]() 03/22/2015 at 11:35 |
Such a good song this song. Gahd, I wish I had the car to match the soundtrack huhu
Also, awesome 911 btw
![]() 08/25/2015 at 15:21 |
Looks like they’ve just discontinued this mic and replaced it with one that has a less wind resistant muffle/baffle thing. Bummer. Wish I had read this some time ago.
![]() 08/25/2015 at 15:29 |
I use a Sony mic now with a deadcat , better quality and all that jazz. Good luck.